Illustrated Quotes by Dr. M

Illustrated Quotes by Dr. M

Monday, January 24, 2011

Hotness in the Garden

He was so hot and she was so hot that when they got together, the combined hotness was so very hot that
the smoldering sneer of his narcissistic posturing melted with the sashaying sway of her girlish flirtation and formed a flaming pool of molten hotness.  It was  a hotness beyond all other hotnesses.  No one could recall anything approaching this level of hotness.  He leaned toward her with chiseled chin forged in Adonis hotness and she looked up with her diamond fox eyes sparkling with a Cleopatra-in-Hell hotness.  Vibrating, colorful flowers and rainbows flowed around them in shifting, psychedelic perfection.  And then she handed him the apple....

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